Our Mission

Our mission is to help people live awake with a full heart and clear mind. And to achieve that, we have what we refer to as the Five Touchstones: Meditation, Mindfulness, Breath, Sound and Intuition. Through incorporating one or a combination of the Touchstones, into one’s life, the mind becomes clearer and the heart fills with compassion/gratitude etc.  

To help people achieve these practices, we provide educational content through many mediums such as courses, articles, podcasts, webinars, and videos to help teach techniques that will improve energy levels, calm the body and mind, think more clearly, and live in joy. 

To help support this mission we opened the Shopify store to sell items that carry inspiring messages, designed to uplift and support people on their unique journey toward joy and self-improvement. These products and tools serve as tangible reminders of their ongoing commitment to personal growth, life balance and joy.